
Estigues al dia de tot allò que envolta la Casa Navàs

Historical testimonies of Casa Navàs

In addition to the events presented for the Domènech i Montaner year, Casa Navàs would like to take advantage of this year to collect the testimonies of all those people who, either first-hand or through a direct relative, have had any relationship with the house throughout its history. We are looking for testimonies from people who worked at Sucesores Navàs or in the house itself; who received medical care from Dr. Nolla during the period in which he worked at Casa Navàs; people who were involved in the construction of the house; or those who have knowledge of an important anecdote or episode.

From now until September, all those who can provide a valuable testimony can notify us by sending an email to [email protected] or at the door of the house. During the months

of October and November, these people will be invited to record their testimony. Depending on the documents obtained, the final use of the material will be assessed. The main goal of this action is avoiding the loss of these valuable accounts of the historical memory of Casa Navàs over the years.

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