Visit Reus
Visit Casa Navàs

Come to Casa Navàs to discover the only Art Nouveau building in Europe that preserves its interior original!

Built at the beginning of the 20th century by Domènech i Montaner, this work is unique in the world. We offer a wide variety of ways to enjoy the house. Pick the one you like most and come to visit us.
Take your chance and book your ticket now!

New experiences:

Guided Visit

One of the best modernist examples in the world. The only modernist house in Europe that preserves its original interior.

Vermouth Visit

If there is any drink that represents Reus, it is vermouth. Visit más vermut on the terrace to taste the best vermouths.

Open date

With this open date ticket, the person receiving the gift will have a year to pick the day that best suits them to come.


Due to the activation of the INUNCAT plan that restricts mobility due to persistent rainfall in the counties of Camp de Tarragona, Casa Navàs will be closed on Wednesday 13 in the morning.
All those who have a ticket for this date will be able to change it by sending an email to [email protected].

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Do you love Reus and its modernism?

Do you want to be an ambassador for Casa Navás?
We are looking for prescribers, who will be rewarded!

Become a member of
Club Casa Navàs!

It's all advantages!

  • You may have free admission to the tour.
  • We give you a bottle of Miró Vermouth the next time you come to visit.
  • You will be the first to find out about the promos.
  • Exclusive sweepstakes and prizes … and much more!

Relive the Modernism

"The only modernist work in the country that has survived to the present day"

What do our visitors think?

Victoria Rodríguez
Victoria Rodríguez
Local Guide · Nivel 5
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Una sorpresa en mitad de Reus. Vinimos a la ciudad a conocer su modernismo y la infancia de Gaudí y nos encontramos una sorpresa al lado del ayuntamiento...
Lidia Codesal
Lidia Codesal
Local guide
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Merece la pena hacer la visita guiada del interior de la casa. Una maravilla arquitectónica y muy sorprendente la mentalidad de la señora Pepa Blasco...
Marc Le (MrcLpr)
Marc Le (MrcLpr)
Local guide
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Una casa única, imprescindible para conocer hasta dónde llegava la artesanía y el lujo a inicios del 1900. Es increíble como el tiempo se ha quedado...
Jordi M. Vegué
Jordi M. Vegué@JMV1714
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Ahir vàrem fer una visita guiada a la @CasaNavas_Reus . Un espectacle visual modernista a l'abast de tothom!!! Ens va guiar en Manu, en català, i va convertir-ho en una experiència, gairebé, mística.
Meritxell Piqué
Meritxell Piqué@MeriPique
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@CasaNavas_Reus Modernisme, cultura de païs. Visitem #Reus i ens encanten carrers i ambients. Quan obrin la botiga al públic, avisin, si us plau!
Escola els Ganxets
Escola els Ganxets@EscolaGanxets
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Una visita interessantíssima de la joia modernista de casa nostra per conèixer de primera mà el patrimoni cultural de la nostra ciutat. @CasaNavas_Reus Moltes gràcies! #somganxets
Uxue Ardaiz
Uxue Ardaiz
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Preciosa casa modernista que merece una visita si o si en Reus. Benjamin ha hecho de esta visita una experiencia fantástica. Ha sido un guía de excepción que nos ha transmitido con muchísima...
Míriam Casanovas
Míriam Casanovas
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Bonita casa con una historia detrás muy interesante, la hora que dura la visita pasa volando ya que si consigues meterte en la vida de la casa y de la época es más ameno. La guía nos...
R. Shiro
R. Shiro
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La casa es una joya. No solo la arquitectura modernista si no el trabajo artesanal de los mosaicos, la madera, azulejos y vidrieras. La guia nos lo...
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