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Mapping returns to Casa Navàs in Reus

The façade of the modernist jewel of the Plaça del Mercadal will host new projections to coincide with the celebration of the electronic art festival ISEA 2022. The first screening will take place on Thursday 9 June at 10.15 pm and will be repeated on the 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, and 18th. Vermuts Miró is the

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Casa Navàs begins restoration work on the service staircase

The maintenance work is expected to be completed by Easter The route of the Guided Visits is modified, and all special tours are postponed This week, Casa Navàs has begun renovation and maintenance work on the service staircase. The work is being carried out to halt and prevent the deterioration caused mainly by damp and

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This Christmas, give Casa Navàs as a gift!

There are gift vouchers from 20 €! The Casa Navàs New Year’s Concert Visit is consolidated During Christmas time, the opening hours will be extended, including some new runs for the special Visits One more winter Casa Navàs launches the campaign Aquest Nadal, gives Casa Navàs’ with intending to offer all your visits at a

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Casa Navàs closes the summer with more visitors than ever before

More than 14,000 people have visited Casa Navàs during the summer months. The new visits start successfully and are incorporated into the regular schedule of the house. The interest aroused by Casa Navàs continues to grow, hundreds of people visit this unique Art Nouveau jewel every day. After a complex 2020 due to the health

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