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Premiere of the series of conferences «Casa Navàs, testimonis modernistes»
The first conference will take place on June 2nd at 19.30 h Marc Ferran, Director of Museus de Reus, will give a lecture on «La construcció d’una ciutat. Reus entre els segles XVIII i XIX» Reus, May 31st, 2021 Casa Navàs opens the I Cycle of Conferences «Casa Navàs, testimonis modernistes». An annual event that

Casa Navàs returns with lots of news
Casa Navàs reopens on May 20th. Three new types of visits will be offered: Dramatized Visits, Photographic Visits, and Casa Navàs Sunset. The Casa Navàs Club is launched: the aim is to find ambassadors for this Art Nouveau gem. Reus, May 12th, 2021 Casa Navàs reopens to the public. It will be on next Thursday,

Casa Navàs reopens these Easter
Lluís Domènech i Montaner’s jewel will be open from 30 March to 5 April The book Casa Navàs i el Modernisme de tota la província de Tarragona will be launched Casa Navàs will reopen these Easter from 30 March to 5 April. After these days, the beauty of Mercadal will close again, to finally reopen

Casa Navàs reopens for Christmas
The premises will be open from 19 December to 5 January For the first time, Casa Navàs will welcome 2021 with a New Year Concert Discount gift vouchers will be on sale as Christmas presents Reus, 8th December 2020 Casa Navàs will reopen for Christmas. After remained closed during a month and a half due

Casa Navàs starts virtual tours
The sixth-grade students from La Vitxeta school were the first to have the experience.The idea is not only to make virtual tours on streaming for the students but also other groups. Casa Navàs has made this morning its first virtual tour. The pilot test was carried out with students from La Vitxeta school in Reus

Casa Navàs closes its doors temporarily
November’s guided visits and Art Nouveau Evenings are cancelled Reus, 30th October 2020 Casa Navàs has ceased operating this Friday, 30th October. The current health situation and the new restrictive measures announced yesterday by the Government of the Generalitat force us to temporary closure. By now, the closure is effective until the end of November.

The Modernist Nights and the Vermouth visits are back
Autumn-Winter season Although this is a complicated year, Casa Navàs stands, if pandemic let so, and will always stand for spreading the artistic heritage and culture. With this in mind, it will maintain the same opening days and all the activities that took place during the previous season. Furthermore, new events will be scheduled to

Domestic tourism saves summer for Casa Navàs
Casa Navàs is the more visited tourist and cultural facility in Reus During the autumn-winter season, it will maintain and expand its cultural offerings Casa Navàs’ occupancy balance after the summer is positive despite a complicated season due to the health situation. While it is true that international attendance has dropped considerably, domestic visitors’ attendance